Serverless. Simplified.

Routo helps you to quickly build effective cloud applications using serverless technologies.

Manage cloud workloads


ETL Jobs
Enterprise Application Integration
Event Driven Architectures

Batch Processing

Run asynchronous batch workloads efficiently

Event driven or message processing applications are asynchronous and have non-uniform workloads characterized by spikes in usage. For such workloads, an 'always-on' approach to cloud services like compute power leads to wastage of resources.

Routo adopts serverless approaches like Functions-as-a-Service and Cloud Events to run such workloads. This ensures resources are only used on-demand.

Integrate Routo in minutes

Routo applications can be up and running in a matter of minutes

Step 1 : Describe Application Flow

Using the web dashboard or the command line interface, Business Users or Developers can create application flows.

The language to describe the flow has a business friendly syntax as shown.

Routo applications are cloud platform agnostic and can be deployed to any cloud platform.

Step 2 : Deploy Application

Use the web dashboard or the command line interface to configure connection to your cloud platform account and deploy Routo applications.

Routo automatically creates cloud resources based on the application flow that you created in Step 1.

Step 3 : Monitor

Use the web dashboard to track metrics like processed messages, failed messages and application cost.

Troubleshoot failed messsages by viewing log messsages for the failed transaction.

Avoid cloud vendor lock-in

Routo applications can run on all major cloud platforms

Routo applications are cloud platform agnostic

Applications created using Routo can be easily run on all major cloud providers without big changes. This gives you the flexibility to try out or even migrate to a different provider if an existing vendor does not work out.

Routo integrates with all major cloud providers.

What does Routo provide ?

Development Framework and Tools

Routo provides a framework to develop serverless applications in a declarative fashion using an intuitive DSL. It provides tools to test locally and deploy the application to your cloud account.

DevOps Automation

Routo intelligently generates infrastructure code using the application code as input. It integrates with CI-CD frameworks during deployment so the infrastructure code can be source controlled.


Routo provides an operational dashboard to monitor metrics like application cost and message statistics. You can troubleshoot failed messages with the help of transaction logs.


Routo uses FaaS to run workloads

Routo wraps application code inside deployable Functions that are executed on demand, leading to major savings in operational costs.

All leading cloud providers have support for FaaS.

Across industries

See how Routo is used to handle a wide array of industries

Routo gives you the tools to succeed.

Routo is being used in scenarios across industries - from eCommerce to SocialTech, from EdTech to HealthCare.

If you have a non-uniform cloud workload, more likely than not that Routo can help you.

Online stores
Financial services
Social Tech
Ed Tech

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